Identifying Undervalued Stocks

Valuation helps  investors identify stocks that are priced below their intrinsic value, providing opportunities for capital appreciation.


Avoiding Overvalued Stocks 

Helps in avoiding investments in stocks  that are overpriced relative to their fundamental value, thereby reducing the risk of losses .


Assesing Margin of Safety

Valuation provides a margin of safety, which is the difference between the stock’s intrinsic value and its market price. This helps investors manage risk by investing only when there is a sufficient cushion to absorb market volatility.


Portfolio Diversification

Understanding the value of different stocks allows for better portfolio diversification. spreading risk across undervalued stocks in various sectors. 


Merger and Acquisition

Accurate valuation is crucial for companies involved in mergers, acquisitions, or divestitures. It ensures fair pricing and helps in negotiating deals.


Return on Investment (ROI)

Valuation helps in calculating the potential ROI, enabling investors to compare different investment opportunities.


Focus on Fundamentals

Valuation encourages a focus on the fundamental aspects of a company, such as earnings, growth potential and financial health, promoting a long-term investment perspective.



We're a leading global provider of financial services with offices in Stockholm, London, New York and Singapore. The highest level of our financial services is guaranteed by professionalism, a deep understanding of the financial markets. MS Capital Consulting works with the world’s leading financial institutions, delivering the experience and helping them achieve high performance. Marius Ghisea is the President and CEO of MS Capital Consulting. He is an investment analyst and an advisor for institutional and individual investors. With 14 years experience in capital markets, Marius Ghisea provides advice for long-term investors with low-risk investments strategies.